
Nagasaki University WISE Programme Application Guidance for the Grant for Global Health Research Collaboration(2024)

Past Application

Application Guidance for the Grant
for Global Health Research Collaboration

1. Aims

The Nagasaki University WISE Programme for Global Health, Global Health Elite Programme for Building a Healthier World (“the Programme”) is launching a new research funding scheme, the Grant for Global Health Research Collaboration (“the Grant”) with aim to create a new cross-disciplinary research platform. The Grant aims to break down its academic boundaries by inviting researchers from multi-disciplinary fields beyond biomedical sciences.

The Grant will be available for faculty who supervise both master’s degree and/or doctoral students in the Graduate School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences; the Graduate School of Education; the Graduate School of Economics; the Graduate School of Engineering; the Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences and the Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology. The Grant primarily supports research projects that are closely relevant/appropriate to the field of Global Health. Applications with limited research experience in Global Health are also welcome.

We look forward to receiving applications from all the graduate schools!


2. Financial support

≪Amount of the Grant≫

  • Maximum of JPY500,000 / project (The overall grant’s budget is JPY3,500,000)
    (*The allocation of amount will be determined based on the submitted budget plan)

≪Financial support period≫

  • The Grant can be spent from the award date and must be spent in full by 31 Mar 2025.
  • The Grant can be spent on expenditures that are required to conduct the research project but must be spent in accordance with the set budget regulations by MEXT.
    (i.e. equipment, consumables, travel costs, honorarium for research assistant)

3. Eligibility

  • Applicant must hold the position at least as an Assistant Professor at Nagasaki University.
  • Applicant must be supervising student(s) either the Graduate School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences; the Graduate School of Education; the Graduate School of Economics; the Graduate School of Engineering; the Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences or the Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology.
  • Applicant who can demonstrate and carry out a research project that are relevant/appropriate to the field of Global Health.

≪How to apply≫

Please download the Application form from the programme website and upload the completed form in the NU drive online storage. If you resubmit the application form after the first submission, please make sure to rename the resubmitted application so that we know which application is the latest.

Application Form for the Grant  Download (Word)

NU Drive Online storage:https://nudrive.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/public/VAJCAhGAUgA5B4nx10hZ5J6btuNLo8rx4flQFFC2Kp0O

Submission deadline: Friday, 2 August 2024

4. Assessment

≪Assessment Committee≫


  • Head of the NU WISE Programme acts as a Head of Assessment Committee
  • The Assessment Committee will consist of the following members.
    i) NU WISE Programme Coordinator
    ii) Those who are recommended by the Deans of the Graduate School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, the Graduate School of Economics, the Graduate School of Education; the Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology from their respective departments (including self-nominations)
    iii) Others deemed necessary by the Head of Assessment Committee

≪Assessment method≫

The Grant’s funding decision are made basis of the submitted application documents. Applicants may be invited for an interview.

≪Assessment criteria≫

  • Originality: Whether the project is unique and original, taking advantage of the strengths of the field
  • Development and Continuity: Potentiality of continuation of the project after the Grant is terminated and possibility of collaboration with other institutions and/or private sectors to expand the area of research
  • Ripple Effect: Any possibility that the achievements give a ripple effect to other fields
  • Foster human recourses: Whether the project has potential to foster new personnel in the field of Global Health
  • Relevance to Global Health: Whether this study contributes to the promotion of global health.

≪Selection result≫

The selection result will be announced after Tuesday, 1 October 2024 on the WISE Programme website. Applicants will be notified separately by e-mail that the announcement is being made on the website.

5. Responsibilities

    • Submission of a final report will be required after the Grant’s support period is over
    • Faculty involved in the project to be appointed as a NU WISE Programme member
    • Faculty and students involved in the project will be encouraged to attend events and symposium organized by the NU WISE Programme

6. Contact


Admin office of the Nagasaki University WISE Programme (TMGH admin office)
Tel: 095-819-7583 (Sakamoto campus)
e-mail: tmghadmin@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp


Application Guidance for the Grant  Download (PDF)